
Introduction to StrongCore

I recommend trying to do these 10 x minute workouts 2-3 times a week. Our 1st workout is suitable to do before your 6-8 week doctors check whether you had a vaginal or c-section delivery. In your PDF you will find a timeline and guidance of when to progress from one video to the next - this series is Diastasis safe so make sure you check the timeline and progress when you feel ready.

This may feel like gentle movement compared to what you did pre-pregnancy - this start will enable you to feel confident returning to more impact, weight bearing and intensity. You are not delicate, yet you're not invincible - after birth your body is repairing from the inside out and this series supports that process.

Each workout will challenge your core and pelvic floor to build strength in new ways by adapting positions and adding in new stimulus. By workout 5 you will be working with bodyweight movements that you can then take into a gym environment and add weights.

In each workout we will run through some activation breathwork, a series of core work and then some functional movements to support you in the everyday and to get you ready to build more strength.

Let’s get started!


Before you start: How does the core and pelvic floor and breath function together